Self-help books can make a huge difference when going through a major life decision like a divorce. Here are some of the best divorce books currently on the market:
- How to Sleep Alone in a King-Sized Bed by Theo Pauline Nester
- Nestor’s journey takes her deep into her family’s past, to a tiny village in Mexico, where she discovers the truth about how her sister ended up living in a convent there after their parents divorced in the early sixties. What she learns ultimately brings her closer to understanding her own divorce and its impact on her two daughters. “I knew from experience that for children divorce means half the world is constantly eclipsed. When you’re with one parent, the other must always slip out of view,” Nestor writes.
- Too Good To Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-step Guide To Helping You Decide Whether To Stay in Or Get Out of Your Relationship by: Mira Kirshenbaum
- Getting Past Your Breakup: How to Turn a Devastating Loss into the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You by: Susan J. Elliot
- “Getting Past Your Breakup is a proven roadmap for overcoming the painful end of any romantic relationship, even divorce. Through her workshops and popular blog, Susan Elliott has helped thousands of clients and readers transform their love lives. Now, she’ll help you put your energy back where it belongs–on you. Her plan includes:
- The rules of disengagement: how and why to go “no contact” with your ex
- How to work through grief, move past fear, and take back your life
- The secret to breaking the pattern of failed relationships
- What to do when you can’t stop thinking about your ex, texting, calling, checking social networking sites, or driving by the house”
- Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends 3rd Edition by: Bruce Fisher
- “Rebuilding features Fisher’s divorce process rebuilding blocks, a proven nineteen-step process for putting one’s life back together after divorce. Clearly the most widely-used approach to divorce recovery, the rebuilding model makes the process healthier and less traumatic for those who are divorcing or divorced and their children. Over two decades of research and practice are combined with feedback from hundreds of thousands of men and women who have used the book on their own or in one of thousands of Fisher divorce recovery seminars worldwide. Also includes Bruce’s detailed Healing Separation model first of its kind to offer couples a healing alternative to the usual slide from separation to divorce.”
This post was written by sperling